Business Website Examples

Business Website Examples

Some of the most impressive business website examples include Ratio Coffee, a high-tech coffee machine company in Australia. Ratio uses a black, white, and grey color palette to emphasize precision and balance, and even incorporates high-definition videos into their website. While there are plenty of business website examples to choose from, you’ll find these three examples to be the best places to start. Here are some more examples.

Usability guidelines

When it comes to a business website, usability is everything. The web isn’t an art gallery and people appreciate simplicity. Keeping things simple and usable increases conversion rates. After all, business owners spend a lot of money developing, maintaining, and promoting their sites, so why not invest in making them more user-friendly? Following usability guidelines can make all the difference in the success of your site.

First, think like your customers. How would you like to browse your website? If you can’t find what you are looking for, you’re not going to have a happy customer. Fortunately, usability guidelines for business websites can help you avoid these mistakes. Having an easily navigable website means you’ll attract more visitors and keep them around. So what exactly are usability guidelines? Here are some examples.

Design elements

A good business website includes the following design elements:

Humanizing your site

While your business website is essentially an inanimate object, it can be humanized by using the latest techniques in digital marketing. A human-like site is one that is easy to read and digest, and one that is based on a single story rather than a series of scattered pages. To begin, make the “about” page of your website as human-like as possible. Use a variety of pictures that reflect your personality and your business’ culture to add authenticity to the pages.

People are drawn to businesses that seem like they are real. Humanizing your business is about showing that you are an actual person, and demonstrating this is a critical component of gaining trust. Whether through a short story or a group video chat, show your visitors that you are a real person, and they’ll be more likely to engage with you and make a purchase. Don’t be afraid to use humor and be as open and relatable as possible, as this will help the entire experience go down smoothly.


A call-to-action on a business website is an effective way to get site visitors to take action. The best call-to-actions are helpful to site visitors and direct them to the desired action. For example, a pop-up CTA on a blog page from Aquaspresso would get the reader to subscribe to its newsletter. The message is simple and compelling. It should also include the specifics that the site visitor is looking for.

A website that follows best practices to drive traffic is a good place to put a call-to-action. In this example, a user behavior analysis tool places the call-to-action “hero” section above the fold.

The call-to-action prompts visitors to sign up for a free trial. In a similar way, the “Sign Up” button on Ecom World’s website matches the design elements and is accompanied by other prominent information.