Does Your Local Business Need Professional Web Design?

You may be an experienced businessperson with 20 or more years of experience to your name. Kudos to you, that you have found a way to make your business last for three decades. Indeed, the 80s, 90s and 2000s presented some very unique challenges. You may have figured, with your track record, you don’t need to establish your web presence through web design.

Yes, there are some businesses that seem to thrive regardless of new technology and economic crises. Restaurants, industrial businesses, grocery stores-all of these businesses seem almost invulnerable to technology. However, times are changing. More and more people are doing business online. They are paying bills online, buying holiday gifts online and even communicating online.

Today, establishing brand through web design should be one of your top priorities. It doesn’t matter whether you are local or national. Whenever people think of your industry or your market, …

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Questions To Ask A Potential Web Design Company

Now that you’ve decided that you’re going to hire someone to design your website for you, you’ve come to the part of the process where you have to decide on a company. With so many to choose from it is important that you weed out the ones that aren’t the best fit.

How much creative control will I have? Will the company you’re talking to listen to you if you tell them how you want the site to look, or do they insist on being entirely in control. Neither is better or worse, it’s simply a matter of what you prefer. If they prefer to be in control, will they do revisions for you in the event you aren’t happy with the finished product? And if so, how many, and are they free or do you have pay for them?

Can I see examples of your past work? …

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