How to Determine the Amount of Bandwidth Requirement for My VPS?

How to Determine the Amount of Bandwidth Requirement for My VPS?

While choosing a web hosting plan, it is important to determine the amount of bandwidth that you would need for your website. Many hosting providers advertise unlimited bandwidth, but when you look closely, you find that there is always a catch to it. Hence, it is best to assess your bandwidth requirements before buying a VPS hosting plan. In this article, we will talk about how you can determine the amount of bandwidth required for your VPS Hosting Plan.

Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that you can transfer within a specific time. Usually, many users confuse bandwidth with data transfer. Here’s the difference: ‘data transfer’ is the amount of data you can transfer in a month, whereas ‘bandwidth’ is how fast you can transfer it. Hence, higher bandwidth means better speed and connectivity for your website.

How to determine the bandwidth requirement for

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