Do You Really Need Your Website Redesigned?

Do you really need to have your website overhauled with a new design or would it be more effective to see about making your website more efficient. This is really more looking at your website and seeing if it is converting the sales that you need. If you are getting a high volume of traffic onto your website but low conversion rates then there must be some sort of problem that needs addressed.

If your website is let’s say 4 or more years old then it may be worth looking at getting the design updated as website can go in and out of fashion quickly. However if your website is 2 years old or younger then there is problems with the way that you website function or the process for users to get from a-to-b on your website might not be working very well. It is easy to …

Do You Really Need Your Website Redesigned? CONTINUE READING >>>

A Look at the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

Many people are interested in using the Internet to promote their business. Knowing the difference between web design and web development is important because while the terms are often used in place of one another, they are two very different things. Being able to speak with the people who are creating your website and use the proper terms can help reduce misunderstandings and speed up the creation process.

You need to remember that web design and web development work together when creating a website. They are both part of the process that begins with a customer’s concept and ends with a well-built site that is easy for customers to use. A company that is good to work with will help guide you through the steps from beginning to end and can help deliver a beautiful website on time and on budget.

Web design involves the way the website …

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