While choosing a web hosting plan, it is important to determine the amount of bandwidth that you would need for your website. Many hosting providers advertise unlimited bandwidth, but when you look closely, you find that there is always a catch to it. Hence, it is best to assess your bandwidth requirements before buying a VPS hosting plan. In this article, we will talk about how you can determine the amount of bandwidth required for your VPS Hosting Plan.
Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that you can transfer within a specific time. Usually, many users confuse bandwidth with data transfer. Here’s the difference: ‘data transfer’ is the amount of data you can transfer in a month, whereas ‘bandwidth’ is how fast you can transfer it. Hence, higher bandwidth means better speed and connectivity for your website.
How to determine the bandwidth requirement for your VPS?
While some users prefer purchasing more bandwidth than is actually required, some others prefer to start small and scale up as the need arises. However, we recommend that you spend some time to determine your bandwidth requirement to get the right hosting service. Follow these steps to calculate:
- Find the average page size of your website
- Multiply it by the average number of visitors per month
- Multiply the result from the step above by the average number of pages viewed per visitor

The result will give you an idea about the current bandwidth needed by your site. If you are planning to purchase a hosting plan, then you need to factor in traffic spikes as well as business growth. Typically, site owners allow for a 50 per cent spread to cover these factors.
If you are looking to calculate bandwidth requirement with redundancy but WITHOUT user downloads, then you can follow the formula given below:

- ADV = Average Daily Visitors – The total number of monthly visitors/30
- APS = Average Page Size – The average page size of your website
- APV = Average Page Views – The average number of pages viewed per visitor
- RF = Redundant Factor – A safety factor ranging between 1.3 and 1.8
If you are looking to calculate bandwidth requirement with redundancy WITH user downloads, then you can follow the formula given below:

- ADV = Average Daily Visitors – The total number of monthly visitors/30
- APS = Average Page Size – The average page size of your website
- APV = Average Page Views – The average number of pages viewed per visitor
- ADPD = Average Download per day – The average download volume per day
- AFS = Average File Size – The total file size divided by the total number of files
- RF = Redundant Factor – A safety factor ranged from 1.3 – 1.8
We hope that this article will help you determine the amount of bandwidth required by your VPS-hosted website. Do write to us for any queries or comments.