Different people set up a website for different purposes. Note that if you don’t have an idea, you definitely won’t have a reason to set up a website. Let’s now assume you have an idea you want to sell online but don’t know how to set up one, we will teach you simple steps on how to do that without issues.

Choose a domain name
The idea you are looking to sell is what will determine the kind of name you will give your website. A unique and easy to remember name is very important as that will speak a lot about what you do.
Register a domain name
There is no how we will talk about registering a domain name that we won’t talk about namecheap. Do not be confused, there are other companies that help to register a domain name but namecheap stands out of them because of the way they render their services and how quick they solve problems for customers.
Connect your domain name with your host
After registering a domain name of your choice, the next thing to do is to host the domain name. Hosting is of different sizes depending on the nature of what you want to do and how much space you intended to use. Most domain name registering companies are also into hosting, so you can still go for the company we recommended.
Install word press
Installing word press on your dashboard is the next thing to do if your website is not the type that requires writing codes. For a simple to create website, wordpress is the best option for you and it easy to install.
Choose a theme for your website
In case you don’t know what themes mean. It’s a plug-in that helps you customize your website the way you want. Some of it is free to get while some are premium. As a beginner, it is advisable you go for free ones for practice although the premium ones are the best. But if you install the free ones, you will be able to customize your website the way you want and get used to it before eventually going for the premium ones.
Configure your website
The moment your website is up and running after you have successfully installed your kind of wordpress theme, the next thing is to set up your navigation. What we mean by navigation is that, you need to arrange things very well so that visitors coming to make one enquiry or the other will not find it brain tasking to locate important icons to click on your website. There are cases that you may need to install plug INS; do not hesitate to do that since it will be of greater advantage to your site.
Add contents
Adding content to your website is one thing you can’t afford to ignore. Aside the fact that the contents you upload on your site will help people know about what you do, it also helps to rank your website on search engines. Over time as you continue to get used to your website you will understand the importance of SEO also called Search Engine Optimization.